Minggu, 15 September 2013

The Meaning of Friend

Heyho! What a great Sunday morning, right?:) See the sunlight brighter than yesterday!
If the older post about definition of love, now in this post,i'd like to tell  you my statement about the meaning of friend.
Wohooo! Friend? I guess everybody knows about that :D Everyone in this world must have friend, even if just one friend, the poin is they still have friend:)
Yap, what's the meaning of friend? I know that everybody has their own statement about it.
Mine is, friend is someone who wants to accompany us whenever we need them and wherever we need them. Without see the degree of that person.Someone who wants to share their story of life to us. Someone who wants to share the love! Someone who can be our second brother/sister! Someone who wants to listen our story. When they're busy, they absolutely have a lil time for their friend! If they separated, they still keep in touch each other, no matter what! Someone who make a joke for someone else!haha If they insult each other, they just think that it's just a joke, they never take it personal.
Yea, a thousands meaning of friend out there! Maybe that's all.
I posted this just because i miss all of my friend who far away from me now, it's because we're in different city haha long time no see them, long time no have a chit chat with them, and long time no have a quality time with them!
In here, i just got a new bestfriend, she came from Bandung. We just like a sister, maybe it's because we have a lil same personality. But now. she just left this city! She should continue her study, oh my god, it's feel like i was dreaming! Just 2 weeks we got closer, just 2 weeks!!! Can you imagine that? But no matter what happen we still keep in touch each other:) even i wish she were here with me:)
I think, that's all for today!
Thanks for reading, enjoy your beautiful Sunday :)

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