Minggu, 15 September 2013

Another Opinion about Kampung Inggris

Hey, who knows about the place on the title of this post? I know everybody knows that. But you guys just know if Kampung Inggris is a place for learn English more deeply. Yap that's true, but someone out there just give the different opinion about Kampung Inggris, and i think she's right.
Kampung Inggris is just like a village full of dream. Do you know why? It's because, in this place we can get some new friends from many kinds of city, that we haven't imagine before. And in this place we can get a bestfriend or new sist/bro, just for 2 weeks! We can get closer with our friend, even it just 2 weeks! I know that 2 weeks is a short time for build the friendship. But in here everything can be happen. We get a new family, our second family! If you want to stay in here just 2 weeks, so you'll meet your 2nd family just for 2 weeks, if you want to stay here just 1 month, of course you'll meet your 2nd family just for 1 month and so on. Can you imagine before? Meet your new friends, bestfriend, family just at the short time! You live in a place that i think everything is cheaper than your hometown....haha just kidding :p And when you come back to your hometown, you'll just remember about all the things that you've done in Kampung Inggris, you don't know when you'll back to there! So, that's why I agree with that opinion, 'Kampung Inggris is Village Dream'. And what about the English education in here? haha i think there's no different opinion about this:) This place is a best place for someone who wants to learn English more deeply, because we learn from the basic, and we practice everyday with the English area:)
That's all, thanks for reading :)
Have a nice day!

The Meaning of Friend

Heyho! What a great Sunday morning, right?:) See the sunlight brighter than yesterday!
If the older post about definition of love, now in this post,i'd like to tell  you my statement about the meaning of friend.
Wohooo! Friend? I guess everybody knows about that :D Everyone in this world must have friend, even if just one friend, the poin is they still have friend:)
Yap, what's the meaning of friend? I know that everybody has their own statement about it.
Mine is, friend is someone who wants to accompany us whenever we need them and wherever we need them. Without see the degree of that person.Someone who wants to share their story of life to us. Someone who wants to share the love! Someone who can be our second brother/sister! Someone who wants to listen our story. When they're busy, they absolutely have a lil time for their friend! If they separated, they still keep in touch each other, no matter what! Someone who make a joke for someone else!haha If they insult each other, they just think that it's just a joke, they never take it personal.
Yea, a thousands meaning of friend out there! Maybe that's all.
I posted this just because i miss all of my friend who far away from me now, it's because we're in different city haha long time no see them, long time no have a chit chat with them, and long time no have a quality time with them!
In here, i just got a new bestfriend, she came from Bandung. We just like a sister, maybe it's because we have a lil same personality. But now. she just left this city! She should continue her study, oh my god, it's feel like i was dreaming! Just 2 weeks we got closer, just 2 weeks!!! Can you imagine that? But no matter what happen we still keep in touch each other:) even i wish she were here with me:)
I think, that's all for today!
Thanks for reading, enjoy your beautiful Sunday :)

Rabu, 04 September 2013

Definition of Love

Love? What is the meaning of love? So many people talk about 'love love love love and love'. But what's the real meaning about love? Does anyone know that? I think no one know about the real meaning about love. Because, there's so many definition of love. Everyone has a statement about love. They interpret love by theirself, same with me. I have my own definition of love, and i'll tell it in here:)
When people talk about love, sometimes they can be sensitive suddenly! It happen cause, when someone say 'love' they just remember about their past, all of the great past or bad past about their love life. But, love isn't just for our boyfriend or our girlfriend. It can be for our parents, our friends, and our family. But, in here I'd like to tell you my statement about the definition of love for our someone special, yea the opposite sex from us, or it mostly called by 'crush'.
Love is something that can make you feel like you want to smile all the time, it feels like there's a something in your mind that make you like fly so high just by remember about his/her face! Just by hear their name, you'll feel like someone calling for you even if it's not. You'll remember about all the little things you had with him/her. All those not important word from him/her, yea you just will remember about it. And his/her face, you'll always remember it, you'll imagine that he/she smile at you and of course it make you smile like an idiot! But it's normal for people who in love, people who fall in love! How lucky the people who can still feel the love!
And about the definition of 'true love', it'll be a serious topic..true love is when you love someone without notice his/her look. You just love them. And sometimes you don't know the reason why you love him/her. When someone ask you, "why are you fall in love with him/her?", you'll answer "oh. i don't know, i think i just in love with him/her, i don't know why". Sometimes there's no need a reason to you to fall in love with someone, not by her/his look, money, or all the luxury thing in this world. You just in love with him/her without the reason. You just accept him/her flaw. The point is You love him/her without the reason.
\But, remember...not all the love life feel all the happiness. If there's a happiness, there's a sadness. But, calm down, don't you be afraid with the happiness! It just the way how you be grateful with all the happiness that Allah/God gave to you. Don't you too excited when you're happy, just be grateful enough. If the sadness come, you don't need to be sad because you should be grateful,that you still can feel the happiness.

Maybe that's all my statement about the definition of love. It's just my statement, not the others.
thanks for reading :)


hello everyone! long time no see! sorry i was too busy haha
now, i want to share about my feeling...deeply from my heart..

Tahun ini gue memilih untuk gak ngelanjutin kuliah dulu, gue memutuskan untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris di Pare, Kediri. Ya gak terlalu lama, sekitar 3 atau 4 bulan. Tapi apa yang gue rasain? Waktu terasa begitu lama buat gue. Pagi ini gue ngerasa bener-bener kangen sama semuanya, kangen keluarga, kangen sahabat-sahabat gue disana. Hari ini 4 September 2013 adalah hari ulang tahun salah satu sahabat gue, dia adalah Vita, sebelumnya i wanna say "happy birthday my beloved Vita!". Karna gue gak bisa ngucapin secara langsung jadi gue kirim dia voice note, ya kita ada diantara jarak yang jauh. Saat gue ngomong untuk voice note itu, gue mau nangis. Tiba-tiba aja, gue keinget semuanya. Semua hal yang indah, semua hal yang udah kita lewatin bareng-bareng. Dan gak cuma itu, tiba-tiba aja gue dapet pesan dari Syifa, yang intinya dia bilang kalo dia kangen sama 'jojobaba', dan itu ngebuat gue meneteskan air mata gue. Yap. 'jojobaba' adalah singkatan dari 'jomblo-jomblo bahagia bersama' yang terdiri dari sahabat waktu kita les dulu, ada Syifa, Muthia, Nimas. Kita juga udah ngelewatin banyak waktu bareng, susah seneng dalam belajar kita lewatin bareng-bareng. Dan untuk 'penyok', gue juga kangen kalian banget! Yap, 'penyok' itu adalah sebuah sebutan, kita bukan geng tapi hanya sekumpulan cewek-cewek yg autis sama dunia kita. Gak tau apa arti penyok itu apa, yang pasti hanya sebuah sebutan. Disana ada Vita, Mela, Lady, Wimbi, dan Ulfa. Mereka adalah best thing i've ever had in senior high school and for...ever :') Biasanya kalau diantara kita ada yang ulang tahun, kita bakal siapin surprise buat dateng kerumah si birthday girl itu...tapi sekarang? gue sama vita udah jauh dari rumah, kita jauh dari mereka. Biasanya kita kasih kue, kasih kado, tiup lilin bareng, foto-foto, ya walaupun terkadang ada beberapa surprise yang gagal..tapi kita gak peduli yang penting kehadiran dari kita, itu adalah poin yang penting! And the last but not the least! 'kompor'! i miss them so baddddddly! 'kompor' ,  juga bukan sebuah nama untuk geng, karna kita bukan geng tapi ya hanya sekumpulan wanita-wanita dengan penuh kasih sayang dan perhatian..ceilah haha gak perlu ya gue ceritain sejarah dari nama itu.. mereka adalah Hume, Atha dan Vivi. Yang jelas kita juga ngelewatin waktu bareng-bareng, kita nginep ya walaupun rumah kita deketan, kita nginep cuma buat begadang, nonton film, curhat-curhat ya semua hal-hal yang indah deh kita lakuin bareng-bareng. Sekarang semua hal itu tertunda untuk waktu yang menurut gue cukup lama...dearrrrr...Kompor,Penyok, Jojobaba! I MISS YOU!
